Friday 19 June 2015

Sustainable Weight loss takes time and commitment

The problem with diets, aside from the fact that they are never fun, is that they almost never work!
Scientific evidence makes it clear that you are as likely to gain weight when you diet as you are to lose weight!

So, what can you do then if you want to lose weight?

It’s time to GET SMART about weight loss and weight management!

Losing weight doesn’t have to be about constant restriction and it doesn’t have to be miserable.

Smart People Don’t Diet is a back-to-basics approach to gradual, sustainable weight loss.

With one in two Britan adults classified as overweight or obese according to last stats, it is not surprising that so many people want to lose weight. The weight-loss industry is worth millions of dollars in United Kingdom - a mixture of pills, potions, diet books and supplements making a handful of entrepreneurs very wealthy, but leaving the majority of users overweight and less confident in their own ability to successfully lose body fat than ever before. No-one is saying that weight loss is easy; it requires hard work and commitment. But the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
The most important thing to remember before embarking on a weight-loss journey is that the best gift you can give yourself is time. Programs that claim to solve your weight-loss woes in a few weeks, after it has taken you 10 or 20 years to gain the weight, are misleading and irresponsible. Sustainable weight loss that does not compromise metabolic rate takes time. Those wanting to shift 10 kilograms need to dedicate two - three months, those wanting to lose 20 kilograms need five - six months and those wanting to shed over 30 kilograms need almost a year.
Once you have established a realistic timeframe for your journey, the next step is to identify a sustainable program. Everyone will have a different approach. Some people like to follow a strict program during the week and relax a little on weekends.
All my Nutritional Programs are tailored according to your goals and your patience.
I don’t offer you a Diet!
I offer you Sustainable Weight Loss Journey.
Finally, once you have established a realistic timeframe and style of eating, the most important part of the weight-loss journey is learning to trust yourself. You know your body well enough to know whether your issues are overeating or not moving enough. You may need a professional to guide you in the right direction, but you are more than capable of monitoring your own food intake and committing to moving your body more.
In my experience, some of the best weight-loss outcomes come from making small, sustainable changes over a period of weeks. Simply reducing portion sizes, moving more and being mindful of extras that can slip in throughout the day can easily see a shift of three to five kilograms without much work at all.

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