Thursday 18 June 2015

1 Can Of Coke a Day = 30lb+ of Sugar in a Year!

I want to continue to develop the concept of how making a very small change can have a HUGE impact on your health.  I know firsthand that the prospect of “improving health” or “losing fat” can seem daunting because there is so much to think about and consider.  Instead of worrying about the totality of the task, splitting the task up into actionable goals will make the process much more manageable.

For example, if you drink just 1 can of coke per day, eliminating that coke from your diet leads to a significant change over time.
Here are the stats:

1 Can of Coke/Day:
Calories = 140
Grams of Sugar = 39
Teaspoons of Sugar = 10 (4g of sugar in 1 teaspoon)

1 Can of Coke/Day For A Month (30 Cans):
Calories = 4,200 (1.2lb of fat – 1lb of fat is approx. 3500 calories)
Grams of Sugar = 1,1170
Teaspoons of Sugar = 292

…Which equals more than half of a 5lb bag of sugar:

1 Can of Coke/Day For A Year Stats (360 Cans)
Calories = 50,400 (14.4lb of fat)
Grams of Sugar = 14,400
Teaspoons of Sugar = 3,510

X 12

…Which equals 30lb+ of sugar (6 5lb bags)!

X 6

…Which equals (assuming you don’t burn it off) 14.4lb of Fat!

X 3

I hope this was a helpful visual for you to see how making just a small change in your diet can over time lead to a HUGE difference.  I chose a can of coke because I think sugary drinks are particularly egregious.  If you’re flooding your body with sugar, it may lead to cascading health and weight problems beyond the excess calories alone.

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