Saturday 20 June 2015

Raw Vegan Pistachio Lemon Truffles


½ cup Raw Pistachios
¼ cup Raw Walnuts
2 Tablespoons Lucuma Powder
Or 2 Teaspoons Honey
⅛ tsp Sea Salt
Zest of 1 Lemon

10 large  Dates, pitted
1 teaspoon of Water


In a small food processor, process Pistachios, Walnuts, Lucuma, Salt and Lemon zest till nuts are finely chopped up. Don't over process them or they will lose their texture.
Add pitted dates and water into the processor and pulse initially for even distribution of the dates. Once distributed, process as per normal until you end up with a mixture that forms into a ball in the food processor. If it is too dry and crumbly, add a little more water and then process again.
Once ready, roll mixture into balls and coat with chopped Pistachio or more Lucuma powder. Store in an air tight box and keep in the fridge.

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