What to eat, when to eat, how much to eat…when you’re trying to do exactly the right thing for your body, sometimes even simple things seem to get complicated quickly.
The ideal pre-workout meal should have some protein, some carbohydrates, and a little healthy fat.
All depend of your personal goals, but ideally you’ll aim for something close to this:
20 grams of protein
20-40 grams of slow digesting carbohydrates like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, beans, fruit, or wild rice (slow-digesting carbs produce a relatively slow increase in blood glucose and a modest insulin release in response)
About 5 grams of healthy fat (much more than this can slow down the digestion of protein).
The protein will ensure there is no muscle breakdown and give your body a steady stream of fuel and amino acids through your workout.
The carbs will be converted to energy while the fiber and fat will keep you feeling full throughout the pre-workout/workout period.
And another thing to remember: the longer or harder your workout is, the more carbohydrates you need beforehand. Yes, carbs! Carbs give you energy, and before and after your workout is the best time to consume them.
Here are some Tips for Pre-workout meal
Tip Nr. 1 - Fruit Before A Workout
Before a workout, consider fueling your body with easily digestible foods that fill up your glycogen stores to provide quick energy. Fruit is an excellent, healthy source that has fiber to help satisfy your hunger as well. For runners, my suggestion for pre-workout go-to snack is a banana.
Tip Nr.2 - Simple Wrap
I think the best pre-workout meal depends on several factors that include (1) timing, (2) digestibility, (3) type of workout.
Regarding timing, if you have lunch at 12:30 pm and you are not working out until 4:30 pm I suggest a wrap with lettuce, tomato, grilled chicken, and avocado.
Then right before the workout you may have an apple if you feel hungry or nothing at all.
Tip Nr.3 -
If you like to workout in the mornings so the first thing you do when you wake up is start off with a great breakfast that has an adequate source of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat.
A great choice is a turkey/chicken breast, spinach & tomato omelet 2 hours before workout.
Tip Nr.4 - Pistachios and Blueberries
a power-packed protein-and-carb combo, I recommend a handful of pistachios and
blueberries. The blueberries are packed with anti-inflammatory properties,
which can help prevent soreness related to exercise-induced muscle damage.

Tip Nr.5 - Fruit and cottage cheese.
Cottage cheese is a quick and easy protein-packed choice for pre-workout snacking. Add fruit for energy, and a few nuts or a spoonful of chia seeds if you want (especially if you only have nonfat cottage cheese).
Tip Nr.6 - Raw Nuts Energy Bars, Homemade is my suggestion.
Adequate hydration is also vital to prepare you body for a successful workout. Ensuring your muscles are hydrated will prevent cramping and optimize performance.
Whatever you do make sure you have a steady stream of energy to you can power through a tough workout.
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