Monday 22 June 2015

Donut Holes


1 c raw shredded coconut
1/3 c raw walnuts, whole
1/2 tsp vanilla (glycerin-based tastes best)
1/4 tsp cinnamon, ground
1 pinch sea salt
4 medjool dates
2 tbsp raw agave

Items Needed: food processor


Process the shredded coconut in the food processor until the oils begin to come out of the coconut. Add the walnuts, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt and process until the walnuts are well broken down. Add the dates and process until they are completely broken down into small pieces. Lastly, add the agave and process until the dough starts to clump. Form the dough into 6 small balls. To warm the donut holes, place them in a dehydrator or outside under the sun in a bowl covered with cheesecloth. Use a rubber band to keep the cloth in place. Warm for 3-4 hours.

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