Friday 22 May 2015

Inspirational Weight Loss and Fitness Quotes!

How to stay motivated????????????????

It can be tough to stay motivated when it comes to weight-loss and fitness goals. Why else do so many people make the same New Year's resolutions year after year? If motivation flits in and out of your life, don't worry—there are ways to make it a constant companion rather than a fickle friend.

One of those ways is to have a solid network of friends and family that knows about your goals and supports you in all that you want to accomplish. But what if your network is in another state, on another coast, or even in another country? Or what if your loved ones just aren't supportive as you'd like them to be? The good news is that with a little know-how, you can put together a support system that will work for you—or become your own cheerleader!

For Me: 

How did I motivate myself for the first time when I decided that it is time to fight with my weight. 
I bought my dreamed jeans two sizes smaller. After 2 months efforts I could wear them and I was really proud of myself.
Then I realized that self-motivation really works.

For You:

1. Give yourself a pep talk. You may feel silly at first, but it's harder to feel unmotivated when you're literally cheering yourself on!

2. Find some virtual buddies. Technology makes it easier than ever to connect with like-minded people—and it doesn't matter where they live! Online communities can be great resources for support and tips. Chat on message boards about topics from diet and nutrition to exercise and fitness. 

3. Surround yourself with success. It may be said that misery loves company, but it should be that success loves company. Why are weight loss reality shows so popular? Because viewers can see that other people have overcome obstacles on the way to achieving their goals. Success stories can be great for lifting you up and revving up that motivation when it's lacking, and reading that someone else had the same problem and pushed through can help you push through the hard times, too. 

4. Pat yourself on the back. Even if no one else knows about your accomplishments, they shouldn't go unnoticed. Commemorate finishing a marathon by framing your bib or medal, or engrave the date of a huge accomplishment on a piece of jewelry. Not only does it feel good to celebrate the achievement, but it also serves as a visual reminder of your progress, which can help keep you pumped up on those less-than-motivated days.

5. Challenge yourself. A little competition can be good for you! 

6. Commit to weekly check-ins. Just because you live alone or with people who don't support your goals, that doesn't mean you're doomed to fail! Unlimited cell phone minutes, email, and web chats can make checking in with a supportive friend or family member a breeze. Set a weekly date with your mom, sister or an uncle with similar goals to help you stay on track.

7. Get involved. If you're new to an area, it can be hard to make friends and find that support system that makes you feel at home. Join a gym, take healthy cooking classes, or join a local meeting to find like-minded people who share similar goals. You may not click with everyone you meet, but in no time you'll have found a key person or two who can be the foundation for your new support system and will help keep your goals a priority.

8. Use your pet as a workout partner. Dogs rarely turn down the opportunity to exercise. If you have a dog but have relied on the backyard for potty breaks, start taking a trip around the block with your new workout buddy! Or get out in the backyard with your pooch to play fetch or chase. You'll often find that once you're outside and moving, doing an extra block or two sounds better than another episode of reality TV anyway.

9. Call on your co-workers. They may not be part of your "inner circle", but if you see them every day, your co-workers can be great motivational support. Make weekly lunch dates (or better yet, walk during your lunch breaks) to check in with co-workers who may be trying to eat better and get or stay fit. You can also give co-workers permission to take away your quarters when they see you heading to the vending machine!

10. Diary. Writing down your goals, struggles, setbacks and successes can be a great way to support yourself even when no one else will. You can go the pen-and-paper route or take it online in a blog format, or even do a video blog. Sometimes just writing about your struggles and reminding yourself why you're working toward your goals is all you need to get going again.

11. Pay yourself. Don't do all of that hard work for free! Set up a reward system that works for you. Throw a dollar in a jar each time you work out or meet a healthy eating goal and watch both your health benefits and your money grow! Use that money for a healthy treat after a few months—a massage, a new workout outfit or a gym membership are all awesome splurges.

12. Reward yourself for meeting weekly goals. If you don't have spare money to throw into your workout stash as mentioned above, reward yourself in other ways for meeting weekly goals. If you meet your goal of losing a pound or working out five times, pamper yourself . Whether it's a long bath or a day off from exercise with no guilt, have a reward in mind for meeting your weekly goal and stick with it.

13.  Try to motivate someone else - it can be really crucial moment for you. Inspiring someone to make the efforts that you make can be a powerful motivation to move on. Look for followers and constantly talk about the problems and successes that accompany the fight against weight. Cook your meals together, share recipes and avoid visiting places which offers your favorite dishes.

Sharing your goals with others is a sure way to get support. But even if you're in a new city or don't have that support system in place, encouragement from yourself and others is possible!

Select your or think of your own way to self-motivation.

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