Tuesday 30 June 2015

How Many Calories Should You Eat To Lose Weight?

The following article is a quick step-by-step guide to estimate how many calories you should eat to lose weight, which is a question I’m asked all the time. 
When someone says lose weight, I take it to mean “lose fat without losing muscle”, so the following takes that into account.
In order to lose weight, you must eat less calories than you burn. This is a scientific fact!
Here’s the basic equation to calculate many calories you should eat to lose weight:
Step 1: Calculate How Many Calories You Burn Per Day
Here’s a quick way to estimate your calorie burn:
Body Weight (pounds) x 14 = Total Calorie Burn Per Day
1 kg = 2,2 pounds
The equations above assumes (1) you have a sedentary job, (2) you exercise moderately 3-5x per week and (3) your body fat is around 20%-25%. Don’t worry too much if you are not perfect with your estimate, just move to the next step.
Step 2: Determine Your Calorie Deficit Per Day
Many people will choose a random daily calorie deficit say 500, or 1000 calories, but I strongly recommend NOT doing this, because you can easily put yourself in starvation mode. Instead, choose a calorie deficit percentage range of 20%-35% less calories than your total calorie burn.
For example, take a guy who is 190 pounds and wants an aggressive calorie deficit to lose weight. He would take his total daily burn of 2,660 (190 pounds x 14) and apply a 30% calorie deficit, which would be 800 calories (30% x 2,660). His target calorie intake to lose weight is 1,860 calories per day (2,660 daily calorie burn – 800 calorie deficit).
Now if you multiply your daily calorie deficit by 7, you get your total weekly calorie deficit. Since 1 pound of fat has 3500 calories, you can estimate how many pounds of fat you can lose each week (usually 1-2 pounds) based on your weekly calorie deficit.
If these equations are starting to seem too complicated, a shorthand method to arrive at your target calorie intake to lose weight is multiply your bodyweight x 10 in pounds, or bodyweight x 22 in kilograms. You will arrive at a very similar number as going through these 3 steps. I think going through these steps, however, helps you understand the process of losing fat better.
Most health organizations recommend men don’t eat below 1,600 calories and women don’t eat below 1,200 calories, but keep in mind this is a law of averages approach. It really depends on how many calories you burn.
So how large of a deficit should you create? The leaner you are the lower your calorie deficit percentage should be (15-20%) whereas for people who have a lot of weight to lose, a 35% deficit could work well.

Step 3: Track Your Progress

In order to validate that you have estimated your calorie burn properly and are eating the right calorie level, we need a way to track your progress. I’m a big fan of tracking body weight with Monday Morning Weigh for all guys and women (depends on if you are comfortable). If you have any issues with weighing yourself, then monitor how your clothes are fitting.
Losing fat is more complex than simply “calories in and calories out” and establishing a target calorie intake. For optimal fat loss, you should also consider the quality of calories, timing of calories, and breakdown of calories (protein, carbs, and fat). 
Finally, positive hormonal and metabolic changes from exercise can accelerate losing fat and have a HUGE impact.
Be Smart.

SmartBodyChange: How Many Calories Should You Eat To Lose Weight?

SmartBodyChange: How Many Calories Should You Eat To Lose Weight?: The following article is a quick step-by-step guide to estimate how many calories you should eat to lose weight, which is a question I’m ...

Friday 26 June 2015

6 Best Healthy Snacks To Bring To The Office

When I was at my procurement job, I had a lot of trouble avoiding some of the eating pitfalls that come with working in an office.

Instead of healthy snack choice I had very poor snack selection.

The Problem | Unhealthy Snacks At The Office

Shortly after lunch and a few hours later around 4pm, I would get hungry and drowsy. 
I bet you know the feeling when you start nodding off in your chair, struggling to keep your eyes open while staring at your computer screen.

I didn’t know this at the time, but my strong hunger pains had less to do with hunger and more to do with low blood sugar levels, lack of sleep, and lack of hydration.

To sum it up, I completely messed up my eating habits because I didn’t plan in advance by bringing healthy snacks to the office, which forced me to snack on sugary garbage…to put it bluntly.

The Solution | Think Smart

Here’s a list of my 5 favorite healthy desktop snacks:

1. Nuts/seeds – almonds, or sunflower,

2. Apple or other kind of fruit – also my favorite pre-workout snack,

3. Yogurt,

4. Veggie bag (takes more work but ideal snack),

5. A simple raw energy granola bar, homemade of course.

ll of these selections are easy to carry to the office and eat, are relatively lower calorie, yet fill you up. That’s what I want out of a snack.  

The sixth healthy snack, which really isn’t a snack but deserves mentioning, is water.

I keep water at my desk. Staying hydrated definitely helps with controlling hunger and improving how you look and feel.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Raw Hazelnut & Chai Brownies

Ingredients - Makes 12 brownies
What makes this cake special is that it is spiced up with chai spices, it gives it such an unique taste! Use normal tea bags, cut them open and just pour them in the dough, isn’t it easy? -and you can choose green, black or herbal chai tea!
2 cups (5 dl) fresh medjool dates, pitted
4 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil, room temperature
2 tbsp maple syrup

6 tbsp raw cacao powder
1/2 tsp ground vanilla or vanilla extract
3 chai tea bags, (or your favorite tea blend) cut them open
2 tbsp ground flax seeds, chia, psyllium or hemp
1 pinch sea salt
1/2 cup (1,2 dl) raw hazelnut, coarsely chopped (or nuts and seeds of choice)

Place all ingredients, except the hazelnuts, in a food processor or a high speed blender. Mix until smooth, you probably have to scrape the mixture down with a spoon a couple of times. Add the chopped hazelnuts and knead the ‘dough’ by hand. Cover  a brownie tin with plastic wrap and press down the dough to about 1/2 inch (1,25 cm) high. Rub a bit of coconut oil on your hands to prevent the dough from sticking. Put the cake in the fridge and let it set for a least half an hour. Cut in brownie-size pieces, dust with cacao powder and sprinkle with hazelnuts.

Best Pre-Workout Meal to Fuel Your Workout

What to eat, when to eat, how much to eat…when you’re trying to do exactly the right thing for your body, sometimes even simple things seem to get complicated quickly.

The ideal pre-workout meal should have some protein, some carbohydrates, and a little healthy fat. 

All depend of your personal goals, but ideally you’ll aim for something close to this:

20 grams of protein

20-40 grams of slow digesting carbohydrates like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, beans, fruit, or wild rice (slow-digesting carbs produce a relatively slow increase in blood glucose and a modest insulin release in response)

About 5 grams of healthy fat (much more than this can slow down the digestion of protein).

The protein will ensure there is no muscle breakdown and give your body a steady stream of fuel and amino acids through your workout.

The carbs will be converted to energy while the fiber and fat will keep you feeling full throughout the pre-workout/workout period.

And another thing to remember: the longer or harder your workout is, the more carbohydrates you need beforehand. Yes, carbs! Carbs give you energy, and before and after your workout is the best time to consume them.

Here are some Tips for Pre-workout meal

Tip Nr. 1 - Fruit Before A Workout

Before a workout, consider fueling your body with easily digestible foods that fill up your glycogen stores to provide quick energy. Fruit is an excellent, healthy source that has fiber to help satisfy your hunger as well. For runners, my suggestion for pre-workout go-to snack is a banana.

Tip Nr.2 - Simple Wrap

I think the best pre-workout meal depends on several factors that include (1) timing, (2) digestibility, (3) type of workout.

Regarding timing, if you have lunch at 12:30 pm and you are not working out until 4:30 pm I suggest a wrap with lettuce, tomato, grilled chicken, and avocado.
Then right before the workout you may have an apple if you feel hungry or nothing at all.

Tip Nr.3 - Turkey, Spinach, Tomato Omelet

If you like to workout in the mornings so the first thing you do when you wake up is start off with a great breakfast that has an adequate source of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat.
A great choice is a turkey/chicken breast, spinach & tomato omelet 2 hours before workout.

Tip Nr.4 - Pistachios and Blueberries

For a power-packed protein-and-carb combo, I recommend a handful of pistachios and blueberries. The blueberries are packed with anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent soreness related to exercise-induced muscle damage.

Tip Nr.5 - Fruit and cottage cheese. 

Cottage cheese is a quick and easy protein-packed choice for pre-workout snacking. Add fruit for energy, and a few nuts or a spoonful of chia seeds if you want (especially if you only have nonfat cottage cheese).

Tip Nr.6 - Raw Nuts Energy Bars, Homemade is my suggestion.

Adequate hydration is also vital to prepare you body for a successful workout. Ensuring your muscles are hydrated will prevent cramping and optimize performance.

Whatever you do make sure you have a steady stream of energy to you can power through a tough workout.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Can My Favourite foods and drinks make me fat? Absolutely!!!

Nutrition is full of all sorts of lies, myths and misconceptions.

What people believe to be true is often the exact opposite of the truth.

1.         Potatoes were found to be the top food making us fat.

This doesn’t surprise me!

The study found potatoes to be top of the list and all forms to be fattening.  

Every serving of fries eaten in a day was linked to weight gain of more than three pounds, while eating an extra serving of potato chips led to a gain of 1.69 pounds.

Alcohol increases the release of the hormone cortisol that breaks down muscle and retains fat.

The loss of muscle can slowdown metabolism making it easier to gain weight. Also, alcohol causes a drop in testosterone in men, a hormone which helps burn fat.
Fat metabolism can be reduced by as much as 73 percent after only two drinks of alcohol in a one hour time period.  Alcohol dehydrates the body which needs to be hydrated to build muscle and burn fat.

3.         White Carbs (white rice, pasta, white bread, and starches) are fattening because they are high glycemic index foods. 

This we all know.

A study suggests that such carbs are a problem for people wanting to lose body fat.
Findings show that consumption of the wrong carbs creates body fat.

4.        Fats and Oils are fattening especially when they come as deep fried foods and baked goods.

Fats and oils also contain 120 calories per tablespoon. 
Even olive oil has lots of calories even though it has significant health benefits.

5.        Processed Foods are loaded with calories and almost no nutrients!
Diet microwave meals and frozen meals are high in sodium and calorie-rich fat to preserve flavor. Eating them causes you to retain water in your arms and legs, leaving you puffy.

Research by the London University College team, suggests that a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression.

I can teach you how to prepare home made healthy food for yourselves and for your Family.

6.         Processed meats (especially lunch meats, bacon, sausage, hot dogs) are high in calories, fat and sodium.

Sixty eight percent of bacon’s calories come from fat, almost half is saturated fat and each ounce has 30 milligrams of cholesterol.

Too much salt in your body leads to water retention and bloating. NO amount of processed meat is considered safe to eat.

Why not you get for lunch home made healthy sandwich + salad.

This is not speaking of meat in general….just processed meat.

7.        The Fishy Take-Out: Sushi

Say sayonara to the trendy sushi rolls. They're stuffed with high-cal ingredients like cream cheese, mayo, and shredded cheese.

And remember that tempura is simply another way of saying “battered and fried.' One shrimp tempura roll (just six pieces of sushi) contains about 500 calories and 20 grams of fat.

Why not look for the basics — fish, rice, seaweed, vegetables — and skip creamy sauces. Sashimi (sliced raw fish, no rice) and nigiri (raw fish with rice) are safe, as are cucumber rolls.

8.        Fancy coffee drinks
Fancy Coffee Drinks

In its most basic form, coffee is pretty harmless, calorically speaking (black coffee clocks in at 5 calories per cup), but it can be hard to chug without adding in a little extras.

While a splash of skim milk is fine, it’s not fine to sip frappuccinos—which are filled with fat and topped with whipped cream—every day. In fact, a grande vanilla frap from Starbucks has 430 calories, 14 grams of fat, 72 carbs, and 69 grams of sugar.

9.        Ice Cream

Creamy, sweet, cold and refreshing, ice cream contains some protein and calcium; it also contains a large amount of fat and sugar, which drives up the calorie content of the treat.

Because of that, ice cream can lead to weight gain if you eat too much of it.

We are the result of what we eat.

Think Smart

Monday 22 June 2015

Donut Holes


1 c raw shredded coconut
1/3 c raw walnuts, whole
1/2 tsp vanilla (glycerin-based tastes best)
1/4 tsp cinnamon, ground
1 pinch sea salt
4 medjool dates
2 tbsp raw agave

Items Needed: food processor


Process the shredded coconut in the food processor until the oils begin to come out of the coconut. Add the walnuts, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt and process until the walnuts are well broken down. Add the dates and process until they are completely broken down into small pieces. Lastly, add the agave and process until the dough starts to clump. Form the dough into 6 small balls. To warm the donut holes, place them in a dehydrator or outside under the sun in a bowl covered with cheesecloth. Use a rubber band to keep the cloth in place. Warm for 3-4 hours.

Britain: 'the fat man of Europe'

More people are overweight today than ever before.

One in four British adults is obese, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization , prompting fears that the UK has become the “fat man of Europe”.

The UK has the highest level of obesity in Western Europe, ahead of countries such as France, Germany, Spain and Sweden, the 2014 report says.

Obesity levels in the UK have more than trebled in the last 30 years and, on current estimates, more than half the population could be obese by 2050.

Unfortunately, the problem has become much more common in children, too.

What is the difference between being overweight and being obese?

Being overweight or obese are both terms for having more body fat than what is considered healthy. Both are used to identify people who are at risk for health problems from having too much body fat. However, the term "obese" generally means a much higher amount of body fat than "overweight."

Everyone needs some body fat for energy, heat insulation, and other body functions. But having too much can lead to serious health problems.

The more body fat you have, the greater your risk for diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and other problems.

How do I know if I'm overweight or obese?

The most common way is to figure out your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a quick and simple way to help identify people who are overweight or obese. It allows you to compare your weight to what is considered "normal" for an adult with your same height.

How is BMI calculated?

In adults:

BMI is calculated from your height and weight. To find your BMI, simply fill your figures on the link above.

A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight
A BMI of 30 or more is considered obesed.

It is important to note, however, that BMI estimates body fat. It does not directly measure body fat. As a result, some people with muscular builds, such as athletes, may have a BMI that identifies them as being overweight even though they do not have excess body fat.

In children and teens:

To find your child or teen's BMI, ask your healthcare provider.

BMI for children and teens is calculated differently than it is for adults. This is because children are still growing, and boys and girls mature at different rates. The child or teenager's height and weight is compared against growth charts that take age and sex into account. The result shows how a child or teenager's BMI-for-age percentile compares with other boys and girls of the same age.

Does it matter where the excess weight is located?


If your excess weight is mostly around your middle (apple shape), you are more likely to develop health problems than if the weight is around your hips (pear shape).

The greater your waist size, the greater your health risk.

What kinds of health problems can develop from being overweight or obese?

Being overweight or obese can cause serious health problems, including:

High blood pressure
Heart disease
High cholesterol
Certain types of cancer
Gallbladder disease
Breathing problems
Kidney disease and kidney failure.

Can being overweight or obese increase my risk for kidney disease?


If you are overweight or obese, you have a greater chance of developing diabetes or high blood pressure, which are the leading causes of kidney disease and kidney failure.

What causes overweight and obesity?

People become overweight or obese from eating more calories than they burn up.

Some things that may lead to this imbalance include:

Poor diet / Poor food choices
Lack of exercise
An inactive lifestyle (spending a lot of time watching television, playing video games, working on a computer, working late hours at the office, driving rather than walking).

A family history of being overweight or obese.

Children whose parents eat high-calorie foods and are inactive tend to learn these same habits.

Genes also play a role. They affect how much fat we store, and where it is stored.
Oversized or "supersized" food portions.
Negative emotions like boredom, sadness, or anger, which may influence eating habits.

Can I improve my health by losing excess weight?


Experts agree that even a modest weight loss can help prevent or control many health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. The closer you are to a normal weight, the greater the health benefit.

What should I do if I am overweight or obese?

Speak to your Nutritionist about a weight loss program that is right for you.

New research shows that a weight loss program should include three components to be successful — diet, exercise, and behavior modification.

Your program may include:


A steady weight loss of about one pound a week is the safest way to lose weight.

Regular exercise such as brisk walking, running, swimming, dancing or yoga.

The amount of exercise needed to lose weight is different for everyone.

Behavior modification techniques such as:

Keep a food diary of everything you eat.
Shop from a list and do not shop when you're hungry.
Take a different route if you usually pass by a tempting fast food place.

Think Smart!

Eat and Lose Weight Smart!

With Me!

Saturday 20 June 2015

Raw Vegan Pistachio Lemon Truffles


½ cup Raw Pistachios
¼ cup Raw Walnuts
2 Tablespoons Lucuma Powder
Or 2 Teaspoons Honey
⅛ tsp Sea Salt
Zest of 1 Lemon

10 large  Dates, pitted
1 teaspoon of Water


In a small food processor, process Pistachios, Walnuts, Lucuma, Salt and Lemon zest till nuts are finely chopped up. Don't over process them or they will lose their texture.
Add pitted dates and water into the processor and pulse initially for even distribution of the dates. Once distributed, process as per normal until you end up with a mixture that forms into a ball in the food processor. If it is too dry and crumbly, add a little more water and then process again.
Once ready, roll mixture into balls and coat with chopped Pistachio or more Lucuma powder. Store in an air tight box and keep in the fridge.

Parmesan Chips with Salsa


1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. Place Parmesan cheese, by measured tablespoon “piles”, onto a non-stick cookie sheet
3. Gently spread out the little piles of cheese, making sure to leave an inch in between each one
4. Bake for 5-8 minutes until melted, crisp, and very lightly browned (Watch them closely so they don’t burn or overcook)
5. Remove from oven and allow to cool
6. Store in an airtight container once cooled

Makes approximately 2 cups


3 medium tomatoes, diced and seeded (I use red)
1 medium onion, diced
1 small hot pepper (your choice of which kind), very finely diced or minced
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
2-3 tablespoons lime juice
Salt, freshly ground pepper


1.  In a mixing bowl, gently stir together the tomatoes, onion, hot pepper, garlic, parsley, olive oil and lime juice
2.  Season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
3.  Store in a covered container in the refrigerator until ready to serve

Friday 19 June 2015

Sustainable Weight loss takes time and commitment

The problem with diets, aside from the fact that they are never fun, is that they almost never work!
Scientific evidence makes it clear that you are as likely to gain weight when you diet as you are to lose weight!

So, what can you do then if you want to lose weight?

It’s time to GET SMART about weight loss and weight management!

Losing weight doesn’t have to be about constant restriction and it doesn’t have to be miserable.

Smart People Don’t Diet is a back-to-basics approach to gradual, sustainable weight loss.

With one in two Britan adults classified as overweight or obese according to last stats, it is not surprising that so many people want to lose weight. The weight-loss industry is worth millions of dollars in United Kingdom - a mixture of pills, potions, diet books and supplements making a handful of entrepreneurs very wealthy, but leaving the majority of users overweight and less confident in their own ability to successfully lose body fat than ever before. No-one is saying that weight loss is easy; it requires hard work and commitment. But the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
The most important thing to remember before embarking on a weight-loss journey is that the best gift you can give yourself is time. Programs that claim to solve your weight-loss woes in a few weeks, after it has taken you 10 or 20 years to gain the weight, are misleading and irresponsible. Sustainable weight loss that does not compromise metabolic rate takes time. Those wanting to shift 10 kilograms need to dedicate two - three months, those wanting to lose 20 kilograms need five - six months and those wanting to shed over 30 kilograms need almost a year.
Once you have established a realistic timeframe for your journey, the next step is to identify a sustainable program. Everyone will have a different approach. Some people like to follow a strict program during the week and relax a little on weekends.
All my Nutritional Programs are tailored according to your goals and your patience.
I don’t offer you a Diet!
I offer you Sustainable Weight Loss Journey.
Finally, once you have established a realistic timeframe and style of eating, the most important part of the weight-loss journey is learning to trust yourself. You know your body well enough to know whether your issues are overeating or not moving enough. You may need a professional to guide you in the right direction, but you are more than capable of monitoring your own food intake and committing to moving your body more.
In my experience, some of the best weight-loss outcomes come from making small, sustainable changes over a period of weeks. Simply reducing portion sizes, moving more and being mindful of extras that can slip in throughout the day can easily see a shift of three to five kilograms without much work at all.