Friday 26 June 2015

6 Best Healthy Snacks To Bring To The Office

When I was at my procurement job, I had a lot of trouble avoiding some of the eating pitfalls that come with working in an office.

Instead of healthy snack choice I had very poor snack selection.

The Problem | Unhealthy Snacks At The Office

Shortly after lunch and a few hours later around 4pm, I would get hungry and drowsy. 
I bet you know the feeling when you start nodding off in your chair, struggling to keep your eyes open while staring at your computer screen.

I didn’t know this at the time, but my strong hunger pains had less to do with hunger and more to do with low blood sugar levels, lack of sleep, and lack of hydration.

To sum it up, I completely messed up my eating habits because I didn’t plan in advance by bringing healthy snacks to the office, which forced me to snack on sugary garbage…to put it bluntly.

The Solution | Think Smart

Here’s a list of my 5 favorite healthy desktop snacks:

1. Nuts/seeds – almonds, or sunflower,

2. Apple or other kind of fruit – also my favorite pre-workout snack,

3. Yogurt,

4. Veggie bag (takes more work but ideal snack),

5. A simple raw energy granola bar, homemade of course.

ll of these selections are easy to carry to the office and eat, are relatively lower calorie, yet fill you up. That’s what I want out of a snack.  

The sixth healthy snack, which really isn’t a snack but deserves mentioning, is water.

I keep water at my desk. Staying hydrated definitely helps with controlling hunger and improving how you look and feel.

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