Wednesday 20 May 2015

Dandelions are Super Foods

It’s almost Spring!

Every part of the dandelion is edible – leaves, roots, and flowers. And they are nutritional power-houses. They’re rich in beta-carotene, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, B vitamins, and protein.
Over the years, dandelions have been used as cures for countless conditions including:

kidney stones
high blood pressure
high cholesterol
stomach pain

There is probably no existing condition that would not benefit from regularly consuming dandelions.
So why not harvest the dandelions in your yard this spring? And I’m sure your neighbors wouldn’t mind if you uprooted some of theirs too. (But you probably want to avoid harvesting near streets or from lawns where herbicides or fertilizers are used.)

The leaves

Dandelion leaves have more beta-carotene than carrots and more iron and calcium than spinach. The best time to harvest them is early spring, before the flowers appear, because that’s when they’re the least bitter.

How can you eat dandelion leaves?

Toss them in salads
Steam them
Saute them with garlic, onions, and olive oil
Infuse them with boiling water to make a tea
Dry them to use for tea
The flowers
Dandelion flowers are a rich source of the nutrient lecithin. The best time to harvest them is mid-spring, when they’re usually the most abundant. If you cut off the green base, the flowers aren’t bitter.

How can you eat dandelion flowers?

Toss them in salad
Steam them with other vegetables

The roots

Dandelion roots are full of vitamins and minerals. They are also in rich in a substance called inulin, which may help diabetics to regulate blood sugar. Dandelion roots are often used to treat liver disorders. They’re also a safe natural diuretic, because they’re rich in potassium. The best time to harvest dandelion roots is early spring and late fall.

How can you eat dandelion roots?

Boil them for 20 minutes to make a tea
Steam them with other vegetables

One of My Friends Favorite Dandelions Leaves Salads
1 large boiled potato or 2 smaller
1 egg, cooked, piled and quartered
2 hands green dandelion leaves

2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp vinegar
Sea salt
2tbsp pumpkin seeds


Peel and slice potatoes and use while still warm. Mix it with Dandelion leaves, olive oil, vinegar, sea salt. Spread egg and pumpkin seeds over the salad and serve.

Good Luck!

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