Monday 11 May 2015

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Health Benefits of Blueberries

What makes blueberries super food?

Actually they have lots of antioxidants that help you to clean up free radicals to associate with disease and aging. That is not the only reason you should eat it, this has a lot of nutrients and it tastes good too.
Blueberries have the highest capacity of antioxidants among all the berries like strawberries and blackberries. Blueberries also contain compounds that help to keep all cells from aging and help you look and feel younger yourself. It can also help you with your mental capacity too.

Blueberries can help the age related problems like loss of coordination and balance, and they are the major factor in age related accidents. Some studies recently showed that a person who ate 1 cup of blueberries a day could perform 5% better in motor function skill than those who didn’t eat blueberries.

Blueberries have pack of nutritional value, but it is only a few calories per serving.

It is also in a category of glycemic index food which means your blood sugar won’t go high when you eat blueberries, but other fruit will affect your blood sugar level.

It has all kinds of elements which can prevent serious illness and disease such as tannins, flavinoids, iron, manganese, Vitamin C and E, antioxidants and phytochemicals.

Researchers believe that blueberries can actually prevent deadly disease like cancer and heart disease because all the compounds that found in blueberries can protect our DNA from damaging, and they also believe that it may reduce the damage that is done after stroke as well as prevent urinary tract infections.

It can lower cholesterol and improve eyesight at the same time. It is though that blueberries can help to supply some relief to those that is suffering from arthritis due to the high anti-inflammatory properties they have.

We know how the blueberries can help us from inside our body, but what about outside?

Blueberries can be a really good fruit when it comes to look younger on the skin. It seems like inflammation is the major cause of skin aging and wrinkle to appear, so this is where blueberries with the powerful anti-inflammatory properties comes in.

Blueberries are actually readily available and easy to eat than some of the anti aging foods. You can have them with your cereal, eat them with ice cream or yogurt, or have them in a huge bowl of fruit for snack. It taste really good just by themselves, so why don’t you make blueberries as your daily diet, and your body will thank you for sure everyday since you are eating something really healthy.

One of My favourite recipe with Blueberry

Raw Blueberry Cheesecake - Serves 10

For the base:
11/2 cups of almonds
21/2 cups of dates palm

For the middle:
2 cups of soaked cashew nuts
2 frozen over-ripe bananas
1/3 – 1/2 of a cup of maple syrup depending on how sweet you like it
1/3 of a cup of freshly juiced apple juice
1 teaspoon of cinnamon

For the top:
1 cup of freshly frozen blueberries (packaged frozen berries have too higher water content and make the mix too runny so freeze your own for a couple of hours before making this)
1 cup of strawberries
1 frozen banana
4 date palm
1 tablespoon of maple syrup
1 teaspoon of cinnamon


Before making this you need to slice the three bananas and freeze them for at least three hours along with the blueberries. You also need to soak the cashew nuts for at least four hours.
Start by making the base. Put the almonds into a food processor and blend for a minute or so until the nuts are nicely crushed. Once this has happened add the pitted dates palm and blend again until a sticky mix forms. Press this into the base of a cake tin and place in the freezer.
Then make the middle layer by simply putting all the ingredients into the food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Take the base layer out of the freezer and pour three quarters of this mix over it before putting the cake back into the freezer – keep the final quarter of the mix in the processor as it’s needed for the top layer.
Wait about twenty minutes for the middle layer to set in the freezer before making the third layer. To make this simply add the remaining ingredients to the blender combined with the mix from the middle, blend until smooth and then pour over the middle layer.
Place the cake back into the freezer to set for two hours before serving. You’ll need to remove the cake from the freezer and allow it to warm up for a few minutes before you serve it.

Then enjoy!

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